National CHM

Information exchange platform of the Convention on Biological Diversity created in accordance with Article 18(3), it has evolved into a global network of websites with the CBD website ( as its central node, and national Clearing-House Mechanisms as national nodes of the network.

The mission of the clearing-house mechanism for the period 2011-2020, as adopted by decision 10/15, is "to contribute significantly to the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity and its Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, through effective information services and other appropriate means in order to promote and facilitate scientific and technical cooperation, knowledge sharing, and information exchange, and to establish a fully operational network of Parties and partners". Further details on the clearing-house mechanism are available in the "Proposed work programme for the clearing-house mechanism in support for the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020" (document UNEP/CBD/COP/11/31)


Vision of National CHM for Palestine

The vision is that CHM will serve to strengthen national work leading to biodiversity conservation in line with NBSAP


Mission of National CHM for Palestine

The mission is to develop knowledge and disseminate it in ways to serve bridging the science-policy-practice gaps relating to biodiversity.


Goals of National CHM for Palestine:

1. Provide data for researchers and consultants to facilitate better applied science for conservation.

2. Provide data for policy makers including all relevant ministries and politicians to shape policies in a way to serve protection and awareness of biodiversity. (Bridging science-policy gaps). This includes the achievements of implemented projects in the field of biodiversity in the State of Palestine

3.  Be a resource for funders with the relevant national actors, national strategies for biodiversity so that they allocate funding for national needs and those who seek funding will have a mechanism for arriving for potential funders.

4.  Be a resource for GOs, NGOs, CSOs, and individuals to find information that is relevant to their work in serving the Palestinian society and Palestinian environment (including nature’s contribution to people).

5.  Increase transparency and access to information

6.  Be a hub to increase collaboration between GOs, NGOs, CSOs, and private sector in ways that enhance bridging the science-policy-practice gaps

7.  Act to network Palestinians to the global biodiversity community to enhance global awareness and global actions.

8. Providing reports and updates on the achievements of the State of Palestine towards biodiversity