National Biodiversity Strategies

Since the last Palestinian NBSAP published in the year 1999 much has changed including new threats to biodiversity, new opportunities, updated methodologies and data are unincorporated into the new NBSAP for Palestine. Globally there is an issue of weak achievement of targets and in Palestine, while there are significant awareness of issues, there is much to done and there is weak environmental governance (World Bank 2017). To do the new NBSAP well (being realistic and achievable), we toke into consideration all the detailed guidelines provided by CBD but also the previous strategies from the 1999 NBSAP to today and also incorporate other countries’ experiences.  

Palestine developed a ten-year environmental strategy for 2000–2010 and in August 2000 a National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP) for plans and projects for the three-year period 2000-2002. In 2010, an Environment Sector Strategy was published that also includes a SWOT analysis (EQA, 2010). There were 48 specific recommendations for interventions listed by order priority for the EQA and 19 ones to be implemented at the general environment sector level. 


1st National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 1999

2nd National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2022


See References in the Publications