Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs)

Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) are the most important places in the world for species and their habitats. The Key Biodiversity Area Partnership an ambitious partnership of 13 global conservation organizations helping prevent the rapid loss of biodiversity by supporting nationally led efforts to identify these places on the planet that are critical for the survival of unique plants and animals, and the ecological communities they comprise.

State of Palestine have14 Key Biodiversity areas (clusters) with a total land area of 1252 km2 based on the Mediterranean Basin Biodiversity Hotspot profile. There is many areas in Palestine have been classified locally as key biodiversity areas regarding there potentiality of protecting the biodiversity, but it still need scientific studies to show the extent of the importance of these areas and the degree of importance based on the global standards of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Spatial overlaps between digital polygons for Protected Areas and KBAs are done per global standards ( ), and  


KBAs in Palestine 


Key Biodiversity Areas